Long after the last human was born, sentient robots attempt to find a way to resurrect humanity and save themselves as they too face extinction in an increasingly dangerous world.
Main setting info.
Places to explore and things to do in the vast ocean of Korsuth
Origin & Inspiration
Future Imperfect represented my
first real attempt at creating a serious setting with Risus, but the
general idea had been floating around in my head for years and I had
some initial notes written down for use with Savage Worlds.
most, I'm sure, we've all had that notion of an RPG where the
characters are all robots. I wanted to do one like that, but I also
didn't want it to be merely a gimmick of play. I wanted some
substance. The first draft took place on Earth with humanity largely
extinct and the droids responsible for finding a cure. It was OK.
Somewhere around this time, I got seriously into yoga, and
spiritualism was heavy on my mind. I started thinking about robots
having souls and reincarnation. That's when a huge chunk of the
'secret' of the setting fell into place. In writing up the first
adventure, that last little 'oomph' struck me when I had an epiphany
that the world itself had been reincarnated! I went back and rewrote
the setting to place it on a very similar, but not quite, Earth.
to mechanical bits; in thinking about how to represent 'repairs'
rather than 'healing' I came to the conclusion that I would spin one
cliche off to represent the structural body of the droid, and the
rest to represent programming.
That's pretty much the big
picture, and the rest is just details.